
A brilliant speaker that engages his audience while challenging them through experiential processes. Chris has become a popular addition to Centers and Institutions across North America.

Ernie Christopher (Chris) Emmanuel is a successful artist/designer/speaker.  He is the author of four books in the self-development and inspirational genre.  Chris has appeared on TV in Washington, DC, Minnesota, Belize and Toronto Canada for his Art and Books.
Chris was born into a family of ministers in Grenada, W.I. As a young boy his passion for Art and Spirit poured through his painting and writing.

His family immigrated to Canada when he was eleven years old. His Father, who later became head of the Theosophical Society in Toronto, had an extensive library of books regarding psychology, mysticism, science, theology and beliefs. Chris spent countless hours studying spiritual doctrines from all over the world.

Through his knowledge and personal experience, Chris developed a unique and personal way to help others handle the challenges of daily life.

Today he conducts workshops and lectures to inspire individuals to find their true calling. His message is that when you connect to your deep inner wisdom you start the witness the undercurrent essence living through you. Chris lives what he teaches.

A brilliant speaker that engages his audience while challenging them through experiential processes. Chris has become a popular addition to Centers and Institutions across North America.


  • Safe Choice – Excellent topic for High Schools
  • Mental Health – How to create a mind that matters
  • Self-love – Chris shares ways to make self care a priority in life
  • Meditation – The power of silence to clear mental clutter
  • Resilience – How to remain resilient in trying times
  • Divine Spark – The undercurrent energy that governs all life
  • Forgiveness – How to release the past and move on

E. Christopher Emmanuel's Books

To book Chris for speaking send an email to: clarityofthought@yahoo.com or fill out the contact form below.